The people of Wesley Church are committed to faithful support of our chosen missions both at home and abroad. We pledge our support by prayer and funds to the following:
David and Vreni Greenlee have served with Operation Mobilization (OM) for over forty years. For many years they were part of the ship ministry of OM, including the original “Logos”, the “Logos II”, and the “Doulos”. For over twenty years David’s work has focused on missiology: biblical reflection coupled with research and ministry evaluation to help OM leaders make wise decisions in ministry planning. Together, David and Vreni serve as liaison between the OM office near Atlanta and the increasing number of OM missionaries who served for decades abroad and have now returned to the US during their senior years.
Matt and Katie with their four children serve alongside the l’Eglise protestante unie de France. After working 3 years as a part of a church revitalization project in Lunéville, they have been asked to lead a regional church-planting project in the Brittany region of France. The project is based in Pontivy, and is focused on planting churches, training leaders and equipping these leaders to carry on the work of church planting and disciple making. This new initiative is committed to seeing the kingdom grow by reaching out to the estimated 92% of the French population who do not follow Jesus and raising up leaders for the harvest from that harvest!
Al and Diane Mellinger serve as regional leaders in the Balkans. They oversee the work of Team Bulgaria which includes the Light and Life FMC in Bulgaria, The Anagenesis Foundation and New Start LLC (a company of creative livelihood groups and micro-enterprise businesses). Team Bulgaria consists of four additional missionary families and many nationals. The Team is developing a holistic approach to ministry that includes the spiritual, educational, economic and social programs that work together to serve people.
The Reynens reside in Kenya, but Mike’s responsibilities as Africa Area Director take him around the continent, working with the missionary team and in partnership with national churches. Vickie is Regional Coordinator for International Child Care Ministries (ICCM), which puts her in regular communication with national coordinators in eight countries.
Mrs. Sathya and Dr. Clement Kuchipudi represent the United Sram Ashrams (SramAshram or the Ashram) in India. Their ministry equips the untrained pastors who make a difference in the rural and urban communities in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Olive Branch Mission is not only the oldest Rescue mission in the City of Chicago, it is also the oldest in the United States. The earliest beginnings of the mission date back to 1867. Founder Rachel Bradley began Olive Branch Mission by offering sewing classes to prostitutes, providing them with an alternative source of income. Early on she fought hard against a growing proliferation of prostitute houses which were known to purchase and enslave very young girls into lives of prostitution. She touched their lives with a very genuine love and true message of hope. It wasn’t long before the ministry grew to include homeless men, women and children, further expanding to include the dire needs of alcoholic and addicted men and women who existed on the fringes of society. Olive Branch Mission is in the business of human development, providing opportunity for recovery, restoration, reinstatement and re-entry unto productive life. Olive Branch Mission remains a place where lost, injured, broken and desperate lives can freely, safely and unconditionally receive help, love and care.
International Child Care Ministries is a child sponsorship initiative serving 20,000 children in over 30 countries. We work with Free Methodists for high levels of care and accountability. Through education, meals, clothing and basic medical care, children in need have an opportunity for a better life. For just one dollar a day you can sponsor a child and change a life forever. Wesley and it’s members and our children’s program support several ICCM children.
Our mission is to assist teens and adults in gaining freedom from chemical addictions and other life controlling problems by addressing their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. In all of our programs, we focus on the clients’ recovery from addiction. In order to do this, our centers foster an environment of love, trust and respect. Our staff works alongside clients to uncover the sources of their addictive tendencies and create new patterns to replace old ones.
The Family Resource Center of Zion is an independent, not-for-profit organization that provides educational services and resources to empower men and women to make informed choices regarding pregnancy and parenting skills. This includes peer-counseling and training in life skills. All services are free and confidential.
-24 Hour Crisis Shelter
-Community Mental Health Services
-Teen Dating Violence Prevention
-Community Education and Outreach
-Re-entry Support
-Legal Services
-Presentations & Speakers
-Domestic Violence & Volunteer Training
Currently the Missions Committee for 2021 consists of Lori Villalobos, Cindy Smith, Doug Hobbie, Barb Hobbie and Randy Thornton.